ramblings, stories, photos, rants and ravings from James and Penelope, the skipper and first mate of Alizée, a 2001 Cabo Rico 36, who sail, are dragon boaters and otherwise mess about on boats, read, write, volunteer, travel occasionally and otherwise enjoy life to the fullest, and whose skipper plays jazz piano in his quintet All That Jazz.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Shore leave ...
We've been on shore leave for the past month, spending a week in California to celebrate my daughter's birthday, visit bay area friends, and even spend a night on Dog Days. The night aboard provided a mishap, as Pen fell down the companionway steps and badly bruised her shoulder and cracked a rib or two. As she put it: "Two months on Alizee and being banged around mightily on offshore passages, and I get hurt in calm waters at the marina." Well, she's on the mend, but it's taking time and isn't very comfortable.
Pen was counting on snow for Thanksgiving Day,and she wasn't disappointed. It snowed late in the afternoon, and the next morning, following a night of 50+ mile-an-hour winds, the snow on the trees had frozen into ice, giving us a truly wonderful visual experience.
We're now back in Florida, and I'm starting to organize work on Alizee to get her ready for us to set out for the Keys and Bahamas in late-January.