We've had a great time in the Abaco for the past three weeks, working our way up from Little Harbour to Marsh Harbour, Guana Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Manjack Cay and back down to Guana and Marsh Harbour. Along the way we've caught several Yellow Tail Snapper and enjoyed a lot of good sushi, some Mutton Snapper, which we've shared with friends and made Ceviche ... very, very good. We've heard some good island music at Grabber's in Guana, we've continued to devour book after book and haunted the book exchanges, and we've shared time with other cruisers.

In Guana Cay, a fellow cruiser saw my Encinal burgee and came over asking if I was a member of the Cottage Park Yacht Club in Boston. "Huh?" I replied. He said his burgee was the same as mine, and went back to his boat and showed it to me. My goodness, it seemed to be the same. I checked it out on the Yacht Club registry and discovered the burgees are almost identical ... you can see the white triangle on the EYC burgee is a bit smaller than on the CPYC burgee. Moreover, we are both James's. Few clubs have almost identical burgees, and who would have thought that a member of one from California and a member from one in Boston would connect on a small cay in the Bahamas.
Certainly a connection that could lead to friendship, and since our meeting we've gotten together for drinks, then dinner on our boat, and later dinner on their boat, and I'm quite sure there is more to come. As you can see, Robin and Penelope hit it off nicely, as have James and James.
We're off to catch some Yellow Tail today (we hope), and spend a couple of nights at Matt Lowe Cay, a small nearby cay. Then we return to Marsh Harbour to pick up Pen's sister Patricia, who is coming over to spend a week and then join us on the crossing back to Daytona Beach. This will be fun!