A weekend of sailing...
raft up at ayala cove
We spent Friday to Sunday with our Encinal Yacht Club cruising group at Angel Island. The whole story and more photos are in Spindrift's general log.
ramblings, stories, photos, rants and ravings from James and Penelope, the skipper and first mate of Alizée, a 2001 Cabo Rico 36, who sail, are dragon boaters and otherwise mess about on boats, read, write, volunteer, travel occasionally and otherwise enjoy life to the fullest, and whose skipper plays jazz piano in his quintet All That Jazz.
Dems should be outraged...
Finally, someone strips away the garbage from Governor Schwarzenegger's blast against California public school teachers. Louis Freedberg makes clear, in "Carrot or stick for new teachers?" (S.F. Chronicle), that teachers are constantly upgrading their skills, mentoring each other, and seeking ways to be the very best they can be. On-going attacks by the governor and the Republican Party against teachers and the professional associations that represent them are despicable and based on a pack of lies. Freedburg should be required reading for every Californian!
Ever since Prop 13 passed in the late ‘70s (this issue just never seems to go away), the actual amount of dollars reaching schools has declined, resulting in the loss of art and music programs and reductions in physical education and other programs not considered “core academic.” This is particularly frustrating, since it is now widely agreed among educators that art and music are crucial to developing the creativity that helps people become truly creative and innovative in math, science, and other core academic areas. And, with obesity becoming a – pardon the pun – massive problem among young people, the absence of physical education in schools is obscene.
Why are Americans of every stripe not crying out at the theft of and threat of abrogation of employee pensions by corporate America and conservative Republican politicians? United Airlines employees lose their pension plan and California’s governor threatens to abrogate the state’s public employee and teacher pension plans, and most Americans seem to think none of these employees deserved the pension plan anyway. But, as Jonathan Tasini recently put it in a column in TomPaine.commonsense, pension abrogation violates one of our most basic moral values: “taking someone’s money without their permission is stealing. Except in America, where, if you’re a corporation that takes away someone’s pension, it’s okay.”