Monday, October 23, 2006

Commodore's Cruise...

Just got back from the Encinal Yacht Club's Commodore's Cruise to San Rafael. It was the last cruise of the year as this year's Cruise Captains, and we had a great turn out: 24 boats and over 60 cruisers. We filled the docks at the San Rafael Yacht Club, and Commodore Chuck, the Commodorable, and their faithful crew cooked up a super Tex-Mex dinner!

Going up Saturday was one of the nicest days on San Francisco Bay we've ever experienced, and coming back, while not quite as clear, gave a spirited sail south across the "slot" to the Bay Bridge.

Next up, the Cruising Awards Dinner, December 1st.

Many more photos


Blogger Zen said...

Nice you had some wind down that way. I went out Friday NOTHING!
Sat was a little better, but not much. That must have been the get out weekend, because Benicia was full with a group as well.

8:48 AM  

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