I returned from Copenhagen and Rome and four days later joined Deborah to take our Cal 39
Spindrift to Half Moon Bay. Yep, it was another club cruise-out. Actually, Deb wasn't going to go at all and I was going to crew with our friend Steve Katzaroff
, but he pulled his back and had to cancel, Deb decided she wanted to go, and so on Friday morning we embarked
It was a motor all the way down, and we got to test out our radar system in the fog outside the Golden Gate, but it wasn't a bad trip at all. And we had a great weekend anchored with 80-90 other cruisers from almost a dozen yacht clubs in Pillar Point Harbor.

Saturday night was our club's dinner at
Mezza Luna, an Italian restaurant that everyone likes from previous visits. Turns out I'd met a friend of the owner in Rome, and it was a fun treat to pass on hello from Eugenio to Roberto.

Sunday evening was the big party at the Half Moon Bay Yacht Club. Deb was coming down with a cold, so she didn't have as great a time as we might have. But it was fun, nevertheless.

Monday morning we prepared to leave, and after we'd pulled the dinghy up on the foredeck and started tying it down, lo and behold, I tweaked my lower back. Deb stepped right in and did what had to be done, but we motored the way back rather than raising our sails because we both thought we'd have trouble getting them down with my back out. Well, we missed only about two hours of wind, which wasn't bad, and the trip was uneventful.
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